Posts by Category

Computer Architecture

CPU/GPU/TPU Performance Comparison

7 minute read


I have implemented following simple comparison ofn performance on Google Colab CPU, GPU, and TPU as a part of an assignment for COSC 6385 course in University of Houston.

Spectre Vulnerablity Simulation

2 minute read


In this post, I share some details on my extension to a simple simulation for the Spectre attack as part of the assignment for COSC 6385 course at the University of Houston.

Meltdown Vulnerability Simulation

5 minute read


I have implemented a simple simulation for the Meltdown vulnerability as part of the assignment for COSC 6385 course at the University of Houston.

Simulation of Tomasulo Algorithm

1 minute read


In this post, I have some details on my extension to a simple simulation for the Tomasulo algorithm as a part of the assignment for COSC 6385 course at the University of Houston.

Python Multi Processing

less than 1 minute read


I have developed a basic Python Library to provide abstraction to parallel programming. This library is based on in built-in library multiprocessing in python and 3rd party library ray. In this blog post I will explain in details about the implementations in addition to existing documentations.

Data Mining

DengAI Predicting Disease Spread (A Tale of Two cities)

4 minute read


This is a short descriptive post based on our project done for CS4642 Module, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval at the University of Moratuwa. These particular wordings are my own words and thus it doesn’t be exact same of what I have submitted as final report to the course assignment :relaxed:.

Distributed Systems

Distributed Search

5 minute read


This is a short descriptive post based on our project done for CS4262 Module, Distributed Systems at the University of Moratuwa. These particular wordings are my own words and thus it doesn’t be exact same of what I have submitted as final report to the course assignment .

Integrated Computer Engineering

Ceu Language

less than 1 minute read


Ceu is a pretty cool language that was developed around 2014 by a research team in Lablua. This language develop mainly to reduce the time delay caused by libraries used in Arduino based on the polling systems.[POLLING is repeated asking something from the system until the particular task is achieved or the system gets stop based on the criteria]. Most of the real-time systems are developed in the sense of polling. But actually, it will cost on time and heat wastages.

Verilog Basics

2 minute read


Verilog was used to resolve the complexity of handling gate-level representation. This was first released as a proprietary language in 1985, and later it becomes publically available under IEEE standards.

Short Semester 6

less than 1 minute read


Generally, we have a semester of 21 to 23 weeks, but this semester contains only 8 weeks, 6 weeks out of 8 weeks are lectures. Rest 2 weeks are dedicated for revision and exams. I have choose around 4 subjects in this semester.


WSO2 Internship - VI

3 minute read


In this series of posts, I provide some key points and Ideas that I report to my university during my internship. I arrange these posts as a set of reports, where each report provides the summary of tasks I have done during those four weeks of my training and the experience I gained during that period.

WSO2 Internship - V

2 minute read


In this series of posts, I provide some key points and Ideas that I report to my university during my internship. I arrange these posts as a set of reports, where each report provides the summary of tasks I have done during those four weeks of my training and the experience I gained during that period.

Some Useful JavaScript Libraries

2 minute read


These post contents are just for the purpose of sharing some issues I faced during my Internship projects for design iframe for gadget designing. I hope it will be the same work for HTML pages too.

Datatables Makes Things Easy

2 minute read


This post is based on my self-research, Jerad’s guidance. The things I included here are based on the things I looked in, but Datatables are more things to deal with.

Search Comparator & Apache Lucene

1 minute read


This content is based on the issue I faced while doing analyzing with a search comparator for queries associated with the HL7 message field. (but this is applicable for sample scenarios whether the Lucene queries can be used.

WSO2 Internship - IV

4 minute read


In this series of posts, I provide some key points and Ideas that I report to my university during my internship. I arrange these posts as a set of reports, where each report provides the summary of tasks I have done during those four weeks of my training and the experience I gained during that period. This post is the fourth post in the series of posts about my internship @WSO2.

Unusual Arbitrary Attribute

1 minute read


This content is based on the issue I faced while doing analyzing with Arbitrary attribute of HL7. It is common for cases where arbitrary attributes are similar to the case of HL7

HL7 ACK (Acknowledgement)

2 minute read


This content is based on my study on the topic, by googling and this is just to share some thoughts and views about the topic.

WSO2 Internship - III

4 minute read


In this series of posts, I provide some key points and Ideas that I report to my university during my internship. I arrange these posts as a set of reports, where each report provides the summary of tasks I have done during those four weeks of my training and the experience I gained during that period.

Installing a Developing Feature

3 minute read


The content did not fully belong to me, I just do some value addition to reference by explaining my project scenario with this. For clear understanding and deep learning go through references.

Carbon Component (WSO2)

5 minute read


I compose this post based on results of google searches as well as related articles from the company. The reference I shared at the end can be reliable, but It may be outdated.

WSO2 Internship - II

1 minute read


In this series of posts, I provide some key points and Ideas that I report to my university during my internship. I arrange these posts as a set of reports, where each report provides the summary of tasks I have done during those four weeks of my training and the experience I gained during that period. This post is the second post in the series of posts about my internship @WSO2.

HL7v3 vs FHIR

3 minute read


I prepared this contents based on the research, I made on the particular topic. So I just some basic clarification on similarities and Dissimilarities for my project @ internship.

Configuring HL7 in WSO2 DAS

9 minute read


Some of Its contents may change over time, and subjected to change, I will update on it until I am actively working on it. Because some parts work on manual stuff, which may be corrected/ modified on a future release, don’t bother them at all., If you had the same issue, just follow else leave it to have fun, happy coding.

WSO2 Internship - I

5 minute read


In this series of posts, I provide some key points and Ideas that I report to my university during my internship. I arrange these posts as a set of reports, where each report provides the summary of tasks I have done during those four weeks of my training and the experience I gained during that period.

WSO2 Internship

less than 1 minute read


In this series of posts, I provide some key points and Ideas that I report to my university during my internship. I arrange these posts as a set of reports, where each report provides the summary of tasks I have done during those four weeks of my training and the experience I gained during that period.


Fermat’s Last Theorem

less than 1 minute read


In our school days we have learnt about pythogarus theorem, which used to compute the length of any of one of side triangle given other sides are provided. We can formally express the pythagorus theorem as \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\), wa 2 + b2 = c2. Where a, b, c are length of sides of the triangle and c represents the hypotenuse.

Tech Issues

Multi-tag Reading with RDM6300?

2 minute read


This is the question, towards the audience and your suggestion and comments are warmly welcomed. And I have shared some interesting facts that I came across trying for it.